Saturday, December 03, 2016

Can Someone Fill The Generation Gap Between A Father And A Son?

Once upon a time, there was a father-son duo, which had poles apart opinions on where they shouldgive their cars for service. Where the father believed that the cars should go to a local garage guy whom he believes in since the time he learnt how to ride a bicycle, the son believed in giving them to the manufacturing company for repairs, as the service is guaranteed and ensured. He was of the thought that the cars should be handed to someone who looks after them as their own, not like the garage guy next door, who carelessly left his garage open most of the times

Everytime one of their cars had to go for servicing, they would start an argument over how to get it done. Seeing the increasing clashes between them, the daughter of the family decided to introduce them to a revolutionary new platform that catered to the needs of both. The next day at teatime, she started discussing about this new start up in town that picked her car up in minutes after she called them, and is now whatsapping her images of the parts that need to be changed. This struck the dad-son duo like a lightning bolt. Can this actually happen? This was literally a dream come true! Conversations started. They started exploring this new service provider in town, and decided to give it a try. As the father-son bond deepened over cups of tea and long conversations, the mom-daughter duo giggled. And so it proves that a generation gap can be covered, provided the link is strong.
Now, are you wondering what brought them closer?
It’s Gaadizo. We care of everything from servicing to wheel care to customisation, at your comfort! Don’t believe it? Try it to feel the difference!

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